Student Health
CLSC Pierrefonds assigns a community health nurse to Beechwood. When the nurse is at school her role is to work in collaboration with the school personnel to promote, maintain and protect the health of Beechwood students.
You must fill out a medical form for all medication which must be administered by a staff member at the school. Under no circumstances will the school administer any prescription medication or non-prescription medication without the parent’s written permission. The drug must be sent to school in its original container and come directly to the office. Please do not put medication in your child’s lunch box.
First Aid Policy
The LBPSB is responsible for the well-being of students during school-organized activities. In the case of an accident or sudden illness, parents will be notified as soon as possible. Should immediate hospital treatment be necessary and the parents are unable to pick up the child, the school will arrange for the transportation and supervision of the child at the parents’ expense. At no time will the child be left without supervision.
Parents are required to inform the school if the child suffers from a handicap, a recurring ailment or allergy. If the child requires an Epipen, the parent must supply one to be left at the school. Students with severe allergies should also carry an Epipen on their body at all times.
Parents must provide the child’s medicare number and the name of a person to call in an emergency. It is the parent’s responsibility to take over the care of their child as soon as possible.
Parents of Kindergarten Students
If your child has not yet received his/her 2nd booster shot (due at 4-6 years), this should be done as soon as possible, either through your family doctor, pediatrician or the CLSC Pierrefonds. Please notify the school of this date as soon as completed.
Parents of Grade 4 Students
CLSC will offer Hepatitis B vaccinations free to all grade 4 students on a voluntary basis. Parental consent is required. The vaccination consists of three injections administered over a period of several months. The school nurse will be sending home the appropriate information.
Head Lice
Our entire Beechwood school community is here to work together and support students and parents in addressing all lice issues. Many families have experience in identifying and eliminating this unfortunate nuisance. Please do not be embarrassed, about 3% of school children aged 3-11 across North America are affected by lice. While the experience will no doubt be overwhelming, following appropriate procedures will greatly reduce the likelihood of ongoing issues.
When we all return to school after a break, this is the time to check your child's hair and scalp for lice, especially if he/she has attended summer camp or was away for a holiday break.
Head lice appear in the school from time to time and the excellent cooperation we receive from all parents during a lice alert successfully limits the infestation. We endeavour to do all that we can as a school community to control any lice outbreak.
Prevention of Head Lice: Regular combing, specifically with a metal fine-toothed comb, can help in the early detection of head lice. The use of an efficient ‘detector’ comb, which can also remove lice, can help in minimizing the probability of head lice infestation.
How are lice transmitted? Lice are transmitted indirectly through clothing or through direct contact with an infected person. Children are asked to place their hats and scarves inside their coat sleeves as well as never to pile up their clothing together with that of other children's. Those with long hair are asked to keep it tied. Hairbrushes or combs should never be shared.
What should I do if my child has lice? Inform your school principal so that steps may be taken to avoid a serious school problem.
What should I do if my child has lice?
Inform your school principal so that steps may
be taken to avoid a serious school problem.
Use a metal fine-toothed comb to remove nits
(eggs) and lice from the hair. This step is crucial as the
shampoos do not necessarily destroy the eggs – they must be
taken out of the hair (metal does better at breaking the eggs
away from hair).
Give treatment with special shampoo available
at a pharmacy. Follow bottle instructions precisely.
Wash all bed sheets and clothing. Vacuum
carpets and sofas.
Stuffed animals should be put away in a
garbage bag for 14 days.
Check hair daily for two weeks after
treatment. The fine-toothed comb is necessary when checking your
child’s hair.
All nits (eggs) must be removed.
During a lice outbreak at school:
The school nurse will work with our parent
volunteers to check students, specifically in classes where lice
was reported.
The school nurse will re-check students after
they have begun the treatments to eliminate the eggs and lice
when they return to school.
Children with long hair must tightly tie up
their hair everyday.
Children will be allowed to wear hats during
the school day.
NO SHARING of hats or clothes between
Any parents wishing to support and assist our
school community can contact the school office. A team of
prepared parents can be an excellent resource and will help the
nurse to check students and teach our community how to best
handle an infestation.